
While it may not feel as though we’ve done much to enable migration to our serverless SaaS microservices, the work done in Lab 2 is one of the most fundamental bits of plumbing that has to get put into place to enable you to start thinking about carving out individual microservices. With Lab 2, we put all the pieces of multi-tenancy in place without making huge changes to our monolithic application. We introduced onboarding and identity to enable the concept of tenant to get introduced into our environment. We also created all the automated provisioning to create siloed instances of our monolith for each tenant with separate computing and storage for each tenant. At the core of all this was a routing experience that enabled our system to route calls from our client to each tenant stack. Finally, we also made the move here to a modern UI model, introducing a React application that was now served up from S3. By extracting and committing to this new client model, we streamline and focus our efforts as we look to start creating serverless microservices. This prevents our services from being cluttered with worrying about server-rendered HTML.

You have now completed Lab 2.